Walk in Kraków

Logo Chodźże po KrakowieWalk in Kraków for health, pleasure and to save time. This is the motto of the “Walk in Kraków” campaign prepared by the Road Authority of the City of Kraków and the Public Transport Authority in Kraków. Due to its high tourist traffic and urban layout, Kraków is a place where many people travel around the city on foot. Attractions are relatively close to each other and in most inner city neighbourhoods it still pays to simply walk to the shop, hairdresser or even to work.

We want to encourage more and more people to walk. It can often seem that the distances between certain points in the city are long and we therefore opt for the car or public transport. For example, it takes only about 5 minutes to walk from the Inwalidów Sq. area to the Bagatela Theatre. If you take the tram, you may arrive a little faster, but by car you certainly won’t, because you have to add the time it takes to find a parking space. It’s a waste of time, with more emissions and extra cost. What’s more, movement is health – a popular slogan says that to feel fit, you need to take 10,000 steps every day (that’s a distance of 5-6 kilometres). So if you are going to the centre, it is worth doing so on foot. You will help yourself and others. You will increase your well-being and often save time. In turn, you will help others who need to get to the centre by car to do so more efficiently and find parking more easily. All of us can benefit from this at some point.

Schematic maps of Śródmieście and Nowa Huta have been prepared to show how certain distances can be deceptively large. The most popular routes are plotted on them, and the time it takes to walk each section is given. It’s a timed count at a leisurely pace, so it will come as a surprise to many how close certain points in the city are to each other. 
